Publications that include our team members
Bajer, P. G., Hirt, M. V., Swanson, C. P., Kukulski, E., & Kocian, M. (2024). Semi-automated system for capturing and removing invasive carp during seasonal migrations. Biological Invasions, 1-10.
Tolo, I. E., Bajer, P. G., Mor, S. K., & Phelps, N. B.D. Disease ecology and host range of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) in CyHV-3 endemic lakes of North America. Journal of Fish Diseases. Submitted
*Hundt, P. J., White, L. A., Craft, M. E., & Bajer, P. G. (2022). Social associations in common carp (Cyprinus carpio): Insights from induced feeding aggregations for targeted management strategies. Ecology and evolution, 12(3), e8666.
Tolo, I.E., Bajer, P.G., Wolf, T.M., Mor, S.K. and Phelps, N.B., 2022. Investigation of Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) Disease Periods and Factors Influencing CyHV-3 Transmission in A Low Stocking Density Infection Trial. Animals, 12(1), p.2.
Bajer, P.G., *Hundt, P.J., Kukulski, E. and Kocian, M., 2022. Field test of an electric deterrence and guidance system during a natural spawning migration of invasive common carp. Management of Biological Invasions, 13.
Tolo, I.E., K Padhi, S., *Hundt, P.J., Bajer, P.G., K Mor, S. and Phelps, N.B., 2021. Host Range of Carp Edema Virus (CEV) during a Natural Mortality Event in a Minnesota Lake and Update of CEV Associated Mortality Events in the USA. Viruses, 13(3), p.400.
Huser, B.J., Bajer, P.G., Kittelson, S., Christenson, S. and Menken, K., 2021. Changes to water quality and sediment phosphorus forms in a shallow, eutrophic lake after removal of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Inland Waters, pp.1-14.
Larkin, D. J., Beck, M. W., & Bajer, P. G. 2020. An invasive fish promotes invasive plants in Minnesota lakes. Freshwater Biology.
Sorensen, P. W., & Bajer, P. G. 2020. Case Studies Demonstrate that Common Carp Can Be Sustainably Reduced by Exploiting Source-Sink Dynamics in Midwestern Lakes. Fishes, 5(4), 36.
*Hundt, P. J., Amberg, J., Sauey, B., Vacura, K., & Bajer, P. G. 2020. Data from: Tests in a semi-natural environment suggest that bait and switch strategy could be used to control invasive Common Carp.
Huser B. J., Bajer , P. G., Kittelsen, S., Christenson , S., Menken, K. 2020. Changes to water quality and sediment phosphorus forms in a shallow, eutrophic lake after removal of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Inland Waters.
*Poole JR, Bajer PG. 2019. A small native predator reduces reproductive success of a large invasive fish as revealed by whole-lake experiments. PloS one, 14(4), p.e0214009
Bajer, P. G., J. D. Lechelt, G. Hansen, M. S. Kornis. 2019. Biological control of invasive fish and aquatic invertebrates: a brief review with case studies. Management of Biological Invasions. 10(2), p.227
Bajer, P.G., M. Beck, P. *Hundt. 2018. Are non-native invaders worse than their native proxies: comparison of two benthic fishes in North America. Hydrobiologia 817: 379-391
Bajer, P. G., Claus, A. C., Wein, J., & Kukulski, E. 2018. Field test of a low-voltage, portable electric barrier to guide invasive common carp into a mock trap during seasonal migrations. Management of Biological Invasions 9(3), 291-297
Bajer, P.G. 2018. A decade of common carp research and management in Minnesota: insights for managers. Lake Line.
Bartodziej, W., P. W. Sorensen, P. G. Bajer, K. Pilgrim, S. Blood. 2018. A Minnesota story: urban shallow lake management. Lake Line.
Joshua R. *Poole, Blake W. Sauey, Jon J. Amberg, Przemyslaw G. Bajer. 2018. Assessing the efficacy of corn-based bait containing antimycin-a to control common carp populations using laboratory and pond experiments. Biological Invasions 20:1809-1820.
Escobar, L. E., S. Mallez, M. McCartney, C. Lee, D. P. Zielinski, R. Ghosal, P. G. Bajer, C. Wagner, B. Nash, M. Tomamichel, P. Venturelli, P. P. Mathai, A. Kokotovich, J. Escobar-Dodero, N. B. D. Phelps. 2017. Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes Region: An Overview. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture https://doi.org/10.1080/23308249.2017.1363715
Lechelt J. D., M. Kocian, P. G. Bajer. 2017. Low downstream dispersal of young-of-year common carp from marshes into lakes in the Upper Mississippi River region and its implications for integrated pest management strategies. Management of Aquatic Invasions 8:485-495
Lechelt J. D., P. G. Bajer. 2016. Elucidating the mechanism underlying the productivity-recruitment hypothesis in the invasive common carp. Aquatic Invasions (accepted).
Chizinski, C. J., Bajer, P. G., Headrick, M., Sorensen, P. W. 2016. Different migratory strategies of invasive Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and native Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in the American Midwest suggest an opportunity for selective management strategies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02755947.2016.1167141
Bajer, P. G., Beck, M., Cross, T. K., Koch, J., Bartodziej, B., & Sorensen, P. W. 2016. Biological invasion by a benthivorous fish reduced the cover and species richness of aquatic plants in most lakes of a large North American ecoregion. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13377.
Lechelt J. D., P. G. Bajer. 2016. Modeling the potential for managing invasive common carp in temperate lakes by targeting their winter aggregations. Biological Invasions.
Huser, B. J., P. G. Bajer, C. J. Chizinski, P. W. Sorensen. 2015. Effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on sediment mixing depth and phosphorus availability in a shallow lake. Hydrobiologia. 763: 23-33.
Bajer , P. G., Cross, T. K., Lechelt . J, D., Chizinski, C. J., Weber, M. J., Sorensen, P. W. 2015. Across-ecoregion analysis suggests a hierarchical nature of processes that regulate the recruitment of a globally invasive fish. Diversity and Distributions 21: 500-510.
Bajer, P. G., Parker, J. E., Cross, T. K., Venturelli, P. A., Sorensen, P. W. 2015. Partial migration to seasonally-unstable habitat facilitates biological invasions in a predator-dominated system. Oikos 124: 1520-1526.
Bajer, P. G. and P. W. Sorensen. 2014. Effects of common carp on phosphorus concentrations, water clarity, and vegetation density: a whole system experiment in a thermally stratified lake. Hydrobiologia 746: 303-311.
Eichmiller, J. J., P. G. Bajer, and P. W. Sorensen. 2014. The distribution and abundance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) environmental DNA in lake water and sediment. PlosOne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112611
Meissen J., A. Kendig. J. Eckberg., A. Hefty, G. Lopponow, P. G. Bajer, R. Haight. 2013. Alpha version of a decision-making tool to aid management of invasive bigheaded carps. IGERT, University of Minnesota.
Vander Hook, J., P. Tokekar, E. Branson, P. G. Bajer, P. W. Sorensen, V. Isler. 2012. Local-Search Strategy for Multi-Modal, Multi-Target, Active Localization of Invasive Fish. 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2012
Bajer, P. G., and P. W. Sorensen. 2012. Estimating the abundance of invasive common carp using boat electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:817-822
Bajer, P. G., J. Silbernagel, C. J. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2012. Variability in native micro-predator abundance explains the recruitment of an invasive fish in a naturally unstable environment. Biological Invasions 14: 1919-1929.
Michaletz, P. H., P. G. Bajer, and R. S. Hayward. 2012. Seasonal patterns in white crappies’ consumption and growth: Influences of varying water temperature and prey availability. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 141:681-696.
Bajer, P. G., C. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2011. Using the Judas technique to locate and remove wintertime aggregations of invasive common carp. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18: 497-505.
Sorensen, P.W., and P. G. Bajer. 2011. Carp, Common in Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions, D. Simberloff and M. Rejmanek, eds. University of California Press.
Ali, M., R. S. Hayward, P. G. Bajer and G. W. Whitledge. 2010. Maintenance/submaximum feeding schedules for reducing solid wastes and improving feed conversion in aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 41:319-331.
Bajer, P. G., H. Lim, M. J. Travaline, B. D. Miller, and P. W. Sorensen. 2010. Cognitive aspects of food searching behavior in free-ranging wild common carp. Environmental Biology of Fishes 88:295-300.
Bajer, P. G., and P. W. Sorensen. 2010 Recruitment and abundance of an invasive fish, the common carp, is driven by its propensity to invade and reproduce in basins that experience winter-time hypoxia in interconnected lakes. Biological Invasions 12:1101-1112.
Whitledge, G. W., P. G. Bajer, and R. S. Hayward. 2010. Laboratory evaluation of two bioenergetics models for brown trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:929-936.
Bajer, P. G., G. S. Sullivan, and P. W. Sorensen. 2009. Effects of a rapidly increasing population of common carp on vegetative cover and waterfowl in a recently restored Midwestern shallow lake. Hydrobiologia 632:235-245
Bajer, P. G., J. J. Millspaugh, and R. S., Hayward. 2007. Application of discrete choice models to predict white crappie temperature selection in two Missouri impoundments. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:889-901.
Bajer, P. G., and M. L. Wildhaber. 2007. Population viability analysis of Lower Missouri River shovelnose sturgeon with initial application to the pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23:457-464.
Bajer, P. G., and R. S., Hayward. 2006. A combined multiple-regression and bioenergetics model for simulating fish growth in length and condition. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:695-710.
Whitledge, G.W., P.G. Bajer, and R.S. Hayward. 2006. Improvement of bioenergetics model predictions for fishes undergoing compensatory growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:49-54.
Bajer, P. G., G. W. Whitledge, and R. S. Hayward. 2004. Wide-spread, consumption-level-dependent error in fish bioenergetics models: insights into applications. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2158-2167.
Bajer, P. G., R. S. Hayward, G. W. Whitledge, and R. D. Zweifel. 2004. Simultaneous identification and correction of systematic error in bioenergetics models: demonstration with a white crappie (Pomoxis annularis) model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2168-2182.
Bajer, P. G., G. W. Whitledge, R. S. Hayward and R. D. Zweifel. 2003. Laboratory evaluation of two bioenergetics models applied to yellow perch (Perca flavescens): Identification of a major source of systematic error. Journal of Fish Biology 62:436-454.
Czesny, S., M. A. Garcia-Abiado, K. Dabrowski, P. G. Bajer, and M. Zalewski. 2002. Comparison of foraging performance of diploid and triploid saugeyes (saugerXwalleye). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:980-985.
Dabrowski, K., S. Czesny, S. Kolkovski, W.E. Lynch, P. G. Bajer, and D. A. Culver. 2000. Intensive culture of walleye larvae produced out of season and during regular season spawning. North American Journal of Aquaculture 62:219-224.
Garcia-Abiado, M. A., K. Dabrowski, J. E. Christensen, S. Czesny, and P. G. Bajer. 1999. Use of erythrocyte measurements to identify triploid saugeyes. North American Journal of Aquaculture 61:319-325.